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Flowers & Candle

- Birthday Parties -

Memorable Birthday Celebrations at Gasparo

Gasparo offers the ideal setting for hosting your birthday parties, whether it's a milestone celebration like your 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, or any age in between.

Enjoy a personalized experience where you can decorate your private space to your liking before the event. Our dedicated team will assist you in setting up balloons, streamers, floral arrangements, signs, and any other decorations you envision.

Indulge in a diverse selection of traditional Italian dishes, including crowd-pleasers like pizzas and pasta that cater to guests of all ages. We also provide gluten-free pasta options and a curated wine selection to complement your meal. Be sure to savor our renowned Tiramisú for a delightful conclusion to your dining experience.

Located near Bankstown Aerodrome, Gasparo is conveniently situated just 3 km from Milperra, 5 km from Panania, and 3 km from Chipping Norton and Moorebank. Let us assist you in creating an unforgettable birthday celebration at Gasparo.

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Opening Hours


Mon - Closed

Tue - Sun 11am - 4pm

Fri - Sat Lunch from 11am - 3pm

                  Dinner from 5pm - 10pm


Please note:

Kitchen closes at 3pm for Lunch and 9pm for Dinner

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